

Part 1: SITE REmediaTION

This site is located at an old oil refinery in South Philadelphia. Because of ts past use, the ground and water are extremely polluted and require remediation. In order to regenerate the previously existing ecosystem, a minimum of 10 years remediation plan was proposed; and a master plan was developed for the future use of the site. This portion of the study that was done in groups of two focuses on utilizing resources that are available on the site and bringing back the flora and fauna that once belonged to this site.

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Part 2

The proposal for the master planning of the the former oil refinery site turns it into a technological hub that intents to revive the entire South Philadelphia area. Various transportation means connect it not only to the rest of the city, but also the rest of the country. The planing includes green space, accomodation/leisure area, sustainable energy production, and a drone port that also acts as water pollution awareness.


Part 3

The final result is a combination of drone port, research lab and sensorial exploratorium located on the technological hub of the site. Along with the overall goal of the site, Tetra.Pod will allow visitors to experience different ways that the site is being managed and re-mediated and explore amusing ways of stimulating their senses with water.