
stairs render1.jpg

The way people move along stairs is very specific. It varies from person to person, but also changes depending on other factors like the shape of the staircase or the shoes. In the case of the Alter Hall main staircase, its principal characteristic is the curvature. The curvature has a huge impact on how one enters or exits the staircase, but also influences what happens inbetween and the patterns that are developed during the motion.

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In order to understand those patterns and how they operate, a study of self movement on the staircase was made. Sketch drawing allowed to understand hands and feet movements with joints and how this impacted the bending of the body.

Then, by attaching rolled paper to limbs and recording a stair
choreography based on Taekwondo, the movement was mapped
digitally and analyzed through various iterations that led to a
physical model depicting the choreography.
